
CI Therapy - Junior

Accommodation: Spa
Country / location: Czech Republic / Klimkovice


28 nights stay | Full Board
The CI Therapy program constantly works on the brain and exploits its ability to establish connections and ways to improve the activity of the weak limb. To obtain the required strength, the healthy arm must be immobilized using a special splint during treatment, so the brain has a greater possibility of receiving a sufficient amount of impulses to improve the function of the weaker hand.

28 nights stay includes:
28× accommodation in a four star hotel
28× full board in the form of a varied buffet
1x entrance complex medical examination
2x control examination by physician - check-up
1x final medical examination
19x 2 hours and 20 minutes of CI Therapy
Other procedures:
  - individual ergotherapy
  - individual exercises
  - fitness
  - individual iodine-bromine bath
  - classical partial massage or sole massage An Mo
  - aroma therapy massage

The price does not include:
City tax

Important information:
The current medical report should be sent in advance before arrival, as in case of any contraindications to treatment discovered after reaching the hospital, the doctor has the right to immediately stop the treatment program without any compensation.

Procedures included in the program cannot be changed! In case that the health problems or any other significant causes occur during the program and it disallows to continue the treatment, program will be discontinued on basis of SK Senior Consultant’s decision.
Sanatoria Klimkovice will offer you alternate date for completing the rest of the program.

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Price list

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2024
Child ( 2-11 ) in double room* 33718 ريال
Child ( 12-17 ) in double room* 34950 ريال
Child ( 2-11 ) in suite* 35442 ريال
Child ( 12-17 ) in suite* 36674 ريال
* Person / Package / ريال